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This website was created by ThemetechMount
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Here’s how we 
do that:


Fabric Printing


Fabric Dyeing


Microfiber Print

Tradition and innovation

Empowering you to unlock
maximum potential: 


Fabric Overview

We are bringing about a revolutionary change in the textile industry, offering high-quality products!

Production Capability

We are trying to go beyond being just legally compliant, and we are bringing a revolutionary change.

Company History

One of the largest and most reputed textile groups in Indiaand globally. We bring a revolutionary approach.

Fabric Design

Gold trophy 5 years in a row for being the largest exporter of textile industry's products. We're not just proud.

Whether you’re a designer looking trusted partner fashion:

“This includes natural fibers like cotton, wool,
linen, as well as synthetic fibers such as polyester
and acrylic. Different we and finishes contribute
to a wide range of fabrics for various purposes”

Ariad Mosterine

Known for its softness & breathability
cotton is a widely used in clothing
textiles combining  it with the strength & texture of clothing.

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